Leading Media Company


Transforming Customer Data into Strategic Insights for a Leading Media Organization

A media company sought to use their diverse customer data to improve subscription strategies and drive revenue growth but faced difficulties due to the data being dispersed across multiple sources. Their data processes were fragmented between various systems, with minimal documentation, poor data quality and broken or inefficient integrations. This hindered their ability to deliver personalized content and targeted marketing campaigns and prevented them from taking data-driven decisions. They turned to Material to analyze their current customer data practices and define a robust strategy to help achieve their data goals.
  • Conducted a data maturity assessment by first defining the scope and objectives, engaging stakeholders and aligning on the assessment plan

  • Evaluated the current data landscape through surveys and interviews, reviewing existing practices and systems and assessing key dimensions such as data governance, architecture, management, analytics and culture

  • To measure the maturity of each dimension, used a scoring matrix to assign maturity levels, ranging from ‘basic’ to ‘optimized’:

  • -Level 1: Basic (0-20) - Disorganized data usage with minimal insights, limiting business growth

  • -Level 2: Managed (21-40) - Some data processes in place, providing initial customer understanding and efficiency gains

  • -Level 3: Standardized (41-60) - Integrated data systems drive better decisions and align with company objectives

  • -Level 4: Advanced (61-80) - Real-time data insights enable personalized customer experiences and competitive edge

  • -Level 5: Optimized (81-100) - Fully automated data processes continuously adapt to market trends, maximizing profitability

  • Identified discrepancies between the current state and desired maturity levels and highlighted areas for improvement by performing a gap analysis

  • Developed a strategic roadmap that defined short-term and long-term initiatives, with roles and timelines

Material’s Customer Data Maturity Assessment provided a solid foundation for the media company’s data transformation initiatives. The detailed report offered visibility into the current data maturity levels for each dimension and provided key insights, suggested focus areas for enhancement along with actionable recommendations.

By illuminating data maturity levels and areas of challenge and opportunity, Material’s assessment report will be essential to inform the development of strategic plans to enhance data practices and business outcomes, including outlining steps for executing the roadmap, identifying necessary resources, budgets and timelines and establishing governance.

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