
Take a deep dive into all your customers’ touchpoints with your brand to identify those interactions most relevant to cementing a satisfied customer, so you can focus your improvement efforts and see how well they’re working.

When setting the customer experience optimisation roadmap or initialising a CX tracking program, you need a rich and quantified understanding of what’s worth improving and tracking. 

In-depth interviews with customers and front-line employees, shop-alongs and mystery shopping inform what touchpoints matter most because they touch more customers or have a large impact on those they touch.   

Ideally survey both your and competitors’ customers to get a better read on what impact your performance can have and how good you could possibly get if you try. 

Blueprinting allows you to: 

  • Map the entire customer experience 
  • Identify areas that are priorities to improve 
  • Design a tracking program to measure results 


  • Employee Interviews

    Your front-line personnel see and hear a lot about pain points customers experience when researching, buying, or using your offering. Start any CX program by finding out what they already know.

  • Qualitative Exploration

    Engage with customers as they experience the various touchpoints and get their real-time reactions to what’s (not) working. Hear in their own words how they talk about what aspects of the service matter to them.

  • Quantitative Survey (category level)

    Build a thorough survey based on learnings from employee interviews and qualitative exploration. Deploy it among your own customers as well as competitors’. See how you stack up and where you fall short on what matters.

  • Derived Importance

    Model relationships between overall satisfaction and performance in areas of your business. If available, link to passively captured operational data (e.g., hold times) to translate satisfaction with measurable touchpoints into objective behavioral benchmarks you can monitor.

  • Pain Point Videos

    Increase employee motivation to take action to solve customer problems by generating empathy through video illustrations and storytelling, bringing the statistics to life.

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