
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Empowering Benefit Cosmetics to Improve the Customer Experience

When Benefit Cosmetics – a global luxury makeup and services brand – set out to perfect its customer experience, it wanted its customer feedback system to provide employees with accessible, visually appealing and easy to use data. Benefit partnered with Material to design a custom branded Medallia reporting dashboard, the first of its kind, that would incorporate Benefit’s brand voice and empower boutique and brow bar staff in North America to promptly address any customer concerns.
  • Designed and implemented the first-ever bespoke Medallia CX program, crafted to be an extension of Benefit’s brand

  • Worked together with Benefit stakeholders to name the feedback program “Mirror, Mirror” to encourage self-reflection and thoughtful solutions to customer problems

  • Renamed the brand's Net Promoter Score (NPS) “Glam Factor”

  • Retitled customer groups. Detractors became Frenemies and Promoters became Besties, for example, to emphasis that dissatisfied customers can always be converted into fans

Material’s inaugural, custom branded Medallia program was such a hit with Benefit employees that companywide adoption surpassed expectations. Benefit’s store managers log in daily to view feedback and close the loop with customers. The results have been impressive: since the program’s inception in 2016, the Glam Factor (aka NPS score) has increased by 8.7 points meaning that Benefit employees have been truly empowered to turn Frenemies into Besties.  

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