10 Step Customer Journey Map



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Accelerate your CX success and power real organizational change with a transformational customer journey map. Here are 10 steps to get it done.

Customer journey mapping is the tool used to identify all aspects of the customer experience across the different touchpoints and functions delivered by your organization.

You’ve probably heard a version of this before. A great deal has been written about customer journey mapping services over the last several years, so much so that its true power runs the risk of being obscured by oversaturation — so why bring it up again?

Thanks to COVID-19, CX transformation (and by extension journey mapping) has never been more important.

Mapping your way to brand growth

The pandemic fundamentally disrupted how people shop, from the ways they make purchases to how they think about and relate to the brands they choose.

To stay relevant and maintain a growth trajectory in a post-pandemic marketplace, businesses need to understand how this disruption is playing out specifically within their category and among their target audiences — and creating a great customer journey map is the best way to do that.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to create a transformational journey map in 10 steps,
  • Tips for accelerating your CX success and powering real organizational change,
  • Why the holistic journey matters and how to make the most impact,
  • Ways to fiscally justify a revamp of your customer experience transformation, and more!