Data Science & Analytics

We build data systems to clear the noise and amplify the signals in both structured and unstructured data.

Key Benefits

  • Drive engagement and optimize experiences and programs.

  • Improve the targeting, performance and ROI of channel investments, media and message tactics.

  • Embed measurement that drives continuous improvement.

  • Synthesize multisource data into clear and actionable choice points.

  • Build and illuminate audiences.

  • Enrich brand and CX tracking programs.

How We Do It

We design, collect, unify and analyze data to create a unified view of human behavior. Combined with our holistic data sets, predictive modeling and world-class business intelligence, we build optimized customer experiences by forecasting outcomes and prescribing strategies to boost engagement. Our analysis of large data sets relies on multidisciplinary principles and practices from mathematics, statistics, engineering and machine learning. We explain what is happening with customers, trends and media to help our clients make better, faster decisions.

Related Offerings & Services

  • Social Analytics

  • Behavioral Analytics

  • Customer Segmentation

    The art and science of identifying, profiling and targeting actionable groups of customers who can drive higher return on investment through personalized marketing, product development and other activation initiatives for priority targets.

  • AI Strategy

    Develop an AI strategy to harness data, enhance customer experiences and drive business growth. Our approach ensures practical AI applications for achieving optimal outcomes.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    Empower businesses to better interpret and understand human language with data analytics solutions like NLP. We apply advanced NLP techniques and provide sentiment analysis, entity extraction, intent classification, chatbot solutions, intelligent search and speech recognition, enhancing customer experiences.

  • Image and Video Processing

    Leverage advanced techniques like object detection and image classification to understand and interpret visual information. With visual intelligence we help transform and streamline business operations, improve quality control, enhance security and personalize experiences.

  • Machine Learning Ops (MLOps)

    We help move AI/ML projects from research to production. We productionalize algorithms and overcome model training, ensuring reliable and efficient ML workflows.

  • Generative AI Strategy

    To realize the full potential of data assets, we leverage generative AI models and enable businesses to efficiently scale data usage and facilitate the development of cutting-edge data products.

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