The Thrill — and Challenge — of Virtual Reality: How Humanizing the Customer Journey can Boost Loyalty for VR & Consumer Tech Brands





By Monica Belmaña, Director, Center for Human Understanding at Material


171 million people are diving into the world of virtual reality (VR). And, by 2025, this could be a $22 billion industry industry, thanks to the surging interest in immersive gaming, virtual travel and social experiences. It’s clear that VR has the potential to revolutionize how we engage with digital content. But here’s the catch: the road to VR dominance is far from smooth.
Despite the initial buzz, many VR users are sharing a common story on social media: the honeymoon phase doesn’t last long. At first, it’s all excitement — new apps, mind-blowing games, the thrill of stepping into a different reality. But that thrill? It fades. Fast. Why? The tech often feels more like a chore than a joy. It’s not as intuitive as people hoped. And that “wow” factor is too often replaced by a sense of “meh.”
Beyond that, users are running into some significant pain points: motion sickness, short battery life and the discomfort of strapping a bulky headset to your face for too long. These aren’t just minor annoyances — for many, they’re dealbreakers. And that expensive piece of tech? It ends up collecting dust.
If consumer tech brands want to take full advantage of VR’s appeal and build deep, profitable relationships with consumers, they must take a more human approach throughout each touchpoint of the consumer journey.



The Unique Power of VR

VR’s standout advantage lies in its ability to deliver immersive experiences that no other medium can match. While traditional gaming keeps you on the sidelines, VR places you smack in the middle of the action — transforming spectators into participants. This level of immersion doesn’t just make games more engaging; it makes them feel real.
But VR’s potential extends beyond mere entertainment. Imagine the thrill of exploring fantastical worlds or taking part in epic adventures where you’re not just watching but actively participating. VR allows users to step into new realities, whether they’re diving into a virtual concert, embarking on a digital journey through distant planets or connecting with friends in a shared virtual space. This sense of being part of something larger than life creates experiences that are profoundly engaging and memorable.
By leveraging these immersive qualities, VR has the power to captivate users in ways traditional media simply can’t. The challenge for VR companies is to harness this potential and deliver experiences that maintain their allure long after the initial excitement fades.



VR Companies Must Stay Involved

Getting users to buy-in is one thing; keeping them engaged is another, especially during those crucial first few months after purchase when they’re still novices. To truly capitalize on the booming VR market and secure long-term success, brands need to go beyond the initial sale and remain actively involved with their customers. This means creating a personalized, standout experience that addresses users’ specific needs and aspirations while offering continuous support. The key is in the post-sale engagement — guiding users through their early learning curve and integrating a vibrant social aspect within the VR ecosystem where they can connect and share experiences. This approach slashes churn rates, builds a loyal fan base and drives sustainable growth, ultimately redefining the VR landscape and keeping consumers hooked for the long haul.


Enhancing Post-Sale Engagement
The real magic of VR comes alive when companies use the very features that make VR special to enhance the post-sale experience. Imagine this: instead of a traditional user manual or a dry FAQ section, users are greeted with in-platform, immersive how-to guides that walk them through the features of their new VR system. They’re not just watching a tutorial — they’re fully immersed in the environment, interacting with it, learning by doing.
Even customer satisfaction surveys can be reimagined in the VR space. Instead of a static form, users could engage with interactive, gamified surveys that respond in real-time to their actions, creating a more engaging and less intrusive way to gather feedback. These surveys could even adapt based on the user’s preferences and behaviors, making the feedback process feel more personal and relevant. This ongoing dialogue with customers ensures that the relationship doesn’t end after the sale — it’s just beginning.


Building a Vibrant Community
A strong community is the backbone of any successful VR brand. Encouraging users to share tips, tricks and experiences on a dedicated platform not only enhances engagement but also fosters a deep sense of belonging. By creating spaces where users can interact — such as forums, social groups and collaborative projects — brands can transform casual users into passionate advocates. Hosting events, challenges and live-streamed sessions further amplifies these connections, offering users opportunities to engage with the brand and each other in meaningful ways. This active participation cultivates a vibrant ecosystem where users feel valued and involved, reinforcing their commitment to the brand. When done right, this sense of community becomes a powerful driver of brand loyalty and advocacy, ensuring that users remain connected and invested in the VR experience, both personally and socially.


Capturing Share of Life
Given VR’s advanced capabilities, it’s easy to assume that its gaming and social experiences would naturally outshine the competition. But here’s the thing — VR isn’t about replacing the old; it’s about offering something new and uniquely captivating. Capturing share of life in today’s tech landscape means focusing on delivering extraordinary experiences that resonate deeply with users.
VR’s strength lies in creating moments so immersive and compelling that users keep coming back for more. But to ensure they do, VR companies must stay engaged, continuously feeding that sense of wonder and excitement that brought users into the fold in the first place. This ongoing connection is how VR brands can become a trusted companion in both extraordinary and everyday moments.



The Path Forward

The journey to VR dominance isn’t just about dazzling users with groundbreaking technology; it’s about nurturing their ongoing engagement and forging lasting connections. The true challenge — and opportunity — lies in transforming the initial excitement into enduring enthusiasm. By focusing on post-sale engagement — particularly during those crucial early months when users are still finding their footing — as well as the cultivation of vibrant, interactive communities, VR companies can turn fleeting interest into deep, sustained loyalty. In this rapidly evolving landscape, success will hinge on a brand’s ability to stay actively involved, continuously engaging with users to keep the thrill alive.