Unlocking the Hidden Value of Your Customer Data



In today’s digital-first business landscape, customer data holds unprecedented value. It offers insights that can revolutionize how organizations operate and interact with their customers.

Despite its potential, many businesses find themselves unable to harness this wealth of information effectively. The challenges lie not in the collection of data but in transforming this asset into actionable insights and strategic advantages that drive business returns.

This article will examine the untapped potential of customer data, the hurdles businesses face in realizing its value and how Material’s Return on Customer Data Assessment can help in the journey towards greater data maturity.

The Untapped Potential of Customer Data

When every customer interaction can be tracked, analyzed and learned from, businesses are sitting on a goldmine of data. But not everyone can tap into the value of customer data.

For example, consider a retail company that tracks its customers’ online and in-store purchases, website visits, social media engagements and feedback. That data could be used to segment customers for more efficient marketing or to drive personalization, such as providing the next best offer for a customer based on their unique online behavior.

Unfortunately for this company, and many others like it, this vast pool of information is underutilized. There are several reasons, ranging from lack of technical know-how and infrastructural support, to siloed data and privacy concerns. Yet, the potential for businesses to refine their operations, enhance customer satisfaction and open new revenue streams through effective data use is immense.

The Challenges of Data Transformation

Effectively navigating data transformation can present several challenges which can’t be solved by simply buying an advanced analytics tool or creating a dashboard. It demands a fundamental shift in organizational culture towards embracing data-driven decision making and implementing robust data governance frameworks.

Take, for example, the scenario of a multinational corporation striving to streamline its supply chain operations. Despite the availability of copious amounts of data on inventory, production, transportation and customer demand, the seamless integration of these insights into strategic planning remains challenging. This struggle is exacerbated by data literacy gaps, inadequate governance structures and a lack of cohesive strategy, leading to many missed opportunities for leveraging data that could have otherwise provided a competitive advantage.

Ultimately, the key to unlocking the latent value of your customer data transcends technological prowess – it requires a holistic transformation of organizational ethos, culture and practices to become genuinely data centric.

Material’s Return on Customer Data Assessment can serve as a compass in this transformative journey. It not only helps chart the path towards data-driven excellence but also provides actionable insights to help you move towards your data-driven goals.

The Roadmap to Data Maturity

An organization’s data maturity, and particularly its customer data maturity, is a pivotal factor in refining decision-making processes, elevating customer experiences and attaining operational excellence. Improving an organization’s data maturity can provide multiple benefits, including:
  • Enhanced decision-making: Transition from intuition-driven to data-informed strategies, empowering organizations to make more informed and effective decisions.
  • Revenue growth: Harness the power of customer data to implement targeted upselling and cross-selling initiatives, thereby maximizing revenue potential and driving business growth.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Proactively anticipate and address customer needs through a deep understanding of their preferences and behaviors, nurturing lasting relationships and fostering loyalty.
  • Streamlined efficiency: Mitigate risks and reduce operational costs by enhancing data quality and ensuring secure access to valuable information, ultimately boosting overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.


What is our Return on Customer Data Assessment?

Building on years of experience reviewing customer data programs, Material developed a Return on Customer Data Assessment – an easy and innovative way for businesses to start navigating the complexities of data utilization. This assessment is designed to unlock the latent value within your customer data to help drive growth.

The Return on Customer Data Assessment is a lightweight data maturity analysis based on the globally recognized DAMA-DMBOK2 framework. It focuses solely on customer data, offering a targeted approach to understanding and improving data management capabilities.

The Assessment includes a series of three or four structured, interactive sessions resulting in a comprehensive report that details an organization’s data management capabilities across several key areas, including data governance, data quality, security and privacy, as well as the strategic use of analytics, AI and automation.

The report delivers a clear picture of an organization’s current data management landscape, identifies gaps in those data practices and provides actionable recommendations to bridge these gaps. The goal is to ensure customer data is not just collected but effectively activated to drive business growth.

Enable the Next Step in Your Customer Data Transformation

The wealth of customer data available can provide significant strategic value to businesses, but realizing this potential requires overcoming substantial challenges in data management and utilization. By understanding and optimizing how data is used, organizations can not only improve operational efficiency but also carve out a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving market landscape.

Ready to embark on the path towards data maturity? Take Material’s Return on Customer Data Assessment to understand your current customer data maturity levels.