Customer Experience Tracking (CX)

Our robust, modern experience measurement programs are innovative, thoughtful and ongoing, allowing organisations to measure the quality of experience delivery systemically.

Key Benefits

  • Identifies improvement opportunities with highest potential impact for customers, resulting in loyalty, retention and increased lifetime value.

  • Prioritises and validates investments that will drive increased customer engagement with products and services.

  • Tracks progress of experience improvement initiatives, providing quantifiable evidence that investments are producing results.

  • Unifies the enterprise by aligning efforts to keep customers top-of-mind for employees and leaders.

  • Delivers consistent, outcome-driven metrics that promote cultural change around the centrality of customer experience.

  • Provides a holistic view of experience, focusing on leading indicators that can drive meaningful change and ROI.

How We Do It

We use technology and multi-stream data sources to measure both relational and transactional customer and employee experiences, to improve both tangible experiences and overall satisfaction. We combine relationship tracking, journey and interaction feedback, and always-on passive listening to form measurement programs that produce actionable insights and support decision making. Our experience measurement programs guide improvements that drive results across loyalty, market share and reputation through information shared with all relevant personnel in terms that are relevant and understandable to their day-to-day jobs.

Related Offerings & Services

  • Post-Interaction Surveys

    Contact customers shortly after they interact with your service or a key touchpoint to understand how well you're doing and where you're falling short; intervene with at-risk customers and fuel continuous improvement at a systems scale.

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  • Blueprinting

    Take a deep dive into all customer touchpoints to identify those interactions most relevant to cementing a satisfied customer, so you can focus your improvement efforts and see how well they're working.

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  • Relationship Surveys

    Periodically do a thorough assessment of your customers' relationship with your entire service to identify where to invest your improvement efforts and dollars.

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