Gen Z Doesn’t Need Your Brand



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With $29B in buying power and up to $333B in influence, Gen Z remains a huge focus for marketers at Fortune 500s and challenger brands, alike.

Considering Gen Z will make up a whopping 40% of consumers by 2020, understanding what this generation wants and needs has never been more urgent.

Gen Z will change the world — with or without your brand

Material’s Gen Z experts have put together the latest insights and steps to build a brand strategy to reach these powerful consumers.

We asked 1,000 Gen Zers how they feel about brands today, and Gen Z thinks most brands are getting it wrong:

Gen Z Doesn't Need Your Brand-1

This generation is going to change the world. The question is, are they going to do it with or without your brand?

Connect your brand to Gen Z

Discover the critical insights to know about Gen Z and how to ensure your brand stays relevant with Material’s expert report.

What you’ll learn

  • Core Gen Z characteristics and shifts that have influenced their world,
  • New research that shows why Gen Z thinks brands are getting it wrong,
  • A deep dive into who Gen Z is and what they care about,
  • Gen Z influencers your brand should know,
  • How to quickly reach Gen Z by enlisting the help of a brand consulting firm, and more!