Market Segmentation Services

The art and science of market segmentation services involves identifying actionable groups of customers who can drive higher return on investment through personalized marketing, product development and other activation initiatives for priority targets.

Market segmentation is key to delivering on the promise of customer centricity. While there are generally some universal needs that apply across segments, it is the distinctions between customers that provide the opportunity to become the first choice for some segments or situations.

As a customer segmentation agency, we guide customer experience transformation and illuminate new markets by deeply understanding the demographic, psychographic, behavioral and occasion-based distinctions between groups of customers. Where available, our market segmentation consultants incorporate transactional data to enable accurate assessments of spending and market share.

Our customer segmentation services help our clients find and act upon the optimal pathways for growth, using a blend of quantitative and qualitative methods, paired with sophisticated analytics and strategic analysis.

Segmentation insights stimulate strategies and tactics to:

  • Create differentiated customer experiences
  • Identify innovation spaces within a category
  • Enter new markets or launch new products
  • Acquire new customers with our customer segmentation consultation delivering segment-optimized messages to the most capturable segments
  • Retain existing customers and increase their lifetime value by better serving their unique needs

Customer Segmentation Approaches

  • Market Segmentation for Acquisition

    Discover groups in the market who are maximally distinct on strategically relevant attitudes, needs or behaviors so you can prioritize innovation and acquisition marketing efforts. By leveraging market segmentation services, you can target high-opportunity groups effectively.

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  • Customer Segmentation for Customization

    Discover groups of current customers maximally distinct on key behaviors (first party transactions or site interactions) so you can customize touchpoints and messages/offers to improve retention and cross-sell/up-sell outcomes. Our customer segmentation services focus on these unique distinctions.

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  • Job-to-be-Done or Need-State Segmentation

    Transient needs lead customers to use different brands on different occasions. Understand which functional, emotional, or social factors lead to different choices. Identify unmet needs to promote or innovate against.

  • Demand Landscape

    Understand how revenue and unit share are distributed across segments and relative to jobs to be done. Use this basis to align your portfolio while avoiding cannibalization and prioritizing innovation efforts around white space.

  • Target Segment Activation

    Our strategists work with key stakeholders to determine priority use cases and select solutions that best meet business goals. Visualization and socialization of results trigger shifts in mindsets and decision-making.

  • Segmentation Activation In-Market

    We deliver custom audiences or audience-targeting tools to help media teams deliver the right message to the right potential customer. As a leading customer segmentation agency, we excel in activation strategies.

  • Segment Socialization & Activation

    Boost organizational customer-centricity and ROMI simultaneously by building custom audiences or identifying existing ones to enable targeted communications to likely category buyers who look most like your priority market segments.

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